Song of the Shifting Season

Sage song of the flat landscapturing the power, of an ancient handupon the womb of dreamsmanifestingfrom the all-seeing eyethat translates the knowing of the stars on highand activates the yearningwithin every waking heartto connect with the learnings that will bring man back to loveand remember the divinetruth of the earthin the rhythm of the soilsContinueContinue reading “Song of the Shifting Season”

Union with One

I am Whole;eternal spirit flying freeI am whole;at peace within my soulwhile the structured groundsof Mother Earth’s womb hold me strong through transformation contained in the cocoon and consciousness expanding roots ever up into the Skybreath of fire transcending whether we live or die This is a little poetic affirmation for supporting expansion of theContinueContinue reading “Union with One”

I am Free

I Am Free—as the flowing particlesof the windthat permeate throughand between —all things,near and farand in-the-spaceswhere nothing elsedares toroambut the mystical murmurings of Ether’s songAnd the wind is committed just as it is freecommitted to its essence committed to being in all formsand persistingthrough the wild stormsto the calm breeze…The wind is Eternaland commitment,sets itContinueContinue reading “I am Free”

My Adult Psychic Opening

I have not shared much – neither publicly nor privately – about these topics before. But lately, I’ve felt prompted to speak about my own story of experiencing what I will call a psychic opening. People may refer to similar kinds of experiences under various different labels – and I don’t normally like to useContinueContinue reading “My Adult Psychic Opening”

We Heal Each Other

With you, there is such a sense of familyand familiaritymy heart opensin a tender unfurling –it wants to give, so unconditionallyit felt unnaturalto even name a pricefor would I charge myself –for the gift of self-love? And here you areexposing those own partswithin my soulthat desire more loveI know I needto keep on growingdiving deepertoContinueContinue reading “We Heal Each Other”

We Walk Among You

We walk among you though often go unseen lost in the depths of mind in a forgotten dream yet just like you, we walk upon the sacred soils of this earth and just like you, we cycle through the seasons of death and birth a misty veil, sometimes clears allowing you, to peak into aContinueContinue reading “We Walk Among You”

Shamanic Healing… and the Shaman’s Way

I notice more and more these days, my hesitation around the word “shaman”. Even if I myself identify as being on a shamanic path. Perhaps it is because of how much I have seen this label misused; and with kind of an underlying arrogant assertion as to an individual’s power and mastery of connection toContinueContinue reading “Shamanic Healing… and the Shaman’s Way”

The Alchemist Returns

It’s been three weeks since my accident in the river by my home, when the current dragged me underwater and through a rock tunnel, and I escaped by what seemed to be a miracle… It felt like I went through a portal. Literally and metaphorically. A disintegration and reintegration of my body, my being, myContinueContinue reading “The Alchemist Returns”

Reflections from a Broken Muffler

dispersed songs on a faulty radio channel the cracks in distorted frequencies bleed together – emerging in a fragmenting whole where you and I stumbled around collecting the pieces of our broken disguise to rebuild our identities truer, brighter incorporating more facets of the light * * * The whine of my motor penetrates myContinueContinue reading “Reflections from a Broken Muffler”

Blood Stains on Paradise Shores

Oh how it pains me to see these marks; like the ocean, is bleeding… Signs of the red tide, the toxic algal bloom that’s being worsened in frequency and intensity, by human pollution. How it pains my heart; that I want to run from the ocean that has always cleansed my soul, and indeed thisContinueContinue reading “Blood Stains on Paradise Shores”