Feminine Awakening

Tender, mellow call of the mystic’s dream is unravelling me in the pastel painting of this rising moon Layers of my soul are peeling back; all I know is unfurling as the blooming rose let’s go of her wild thorns And so I sing for the delicate balance of energies, pulsing swirling in my bloodContinueContinue reading “Feminine Awakening”


I don’t believe I can ever be whole And give myself, fully… Till I’ve cried the tears Of ancient pain, Flooding, cleansing Gushing like a river To the Sea And with that water Merging, morphing Releasing into Purity’s truth   Dear one, give yourself:permission to be realpermission to feel, and permission to heal…

The Waking Hour

Sweet innocence of the dawn – Here I am Untouched Without the distraction Of the day, and All those energies Twirling, pulsing So many different Competing pulls Obscuring the truth of the child within That child With a heart, so alive Knows just when to run And when to surrender When to give, and WhenContinueContinue reading “The Waking Hour”

Slow it Down

Today I’m nursing my first motorbike injury. Despite all my rides and hitchhiking habit, I’ve never had so much as a scratch before: and I’ve had some wild rides, including on a bumpy dirt road with two large backpacks and a ukulele, plus my driver and his bag. It’s nothing major; just a burn fromContinueContinue reading “Slow it Down”

Earth warrior

Through the mist of the dawn I hear your song Guiding me with your calling strong; Whispered on the breeze spurring me on To be the warrior to right these wrongs Though my body is weak and though my heart sighs You command me to wake you command me to rise I was born toContinueContinue reading “Earth warrior”


I wake, and I remember you; divine essence from a wistful dream’s calling And so I rise, shine in my truth from burnt shadow to flaming grace; I’ve learnt to sate that inner longing for another’s sweet, loving blessing; I’ve united with that love in my soul, with the collective heartbeat in mine * *ContinueContinue reading “Wholeness”