In Loving Presence…

Through the trees; 
a pathway, glimpsed,
my eyes
slicing between the overgrowth,
that had hidden the road 
back to You — 

brambles, had layered
my trembling heart 
fearful to open again,

and a heart that had seen you 
not for who you are today
but who you’d been
in moments, brief moments 
mere moments

in comparison to all the beauty 
we’d share through 

indeed —
perhaps in other dimensions 
we’d roamed

And I realise now,
this yearning deep
to simply forget the illusion —

to let go
of those doubts,
what in truth is so
sweet and

to radiate
from my entire Being
and shower you;
tears of joy, flowing
from an eternal Source of
as I bear witness 
to the beauty of our Souls
cleansed by the tides
of Love


May we learn to keep coming back to loving presence.

Keep coming back to this moment, here and now, and see the beauty in it: just as it is, as we learn to find gratitude in, and appreciate, all that we have in this second.

May we find the love within ourselves, that we may experience endless love around. Take a moment to nourish yourself, care for yourself: surrender and relax, into your own presence. Perhaps treat yourself by learning to cook a new healthy but indulgent dessert (I have been mixing up the recipe for my cacao balls, my favourite variation is now a date + macadamia nut base!), or make a homemade face mask with oatmeal and honey.

I wish you a beautiful day, and closing of the week, full of love.

~ Cara

Published by Cara Amy Goldthorpe

Storyteller, holistic health guide, and lawyer, with a mission to promote health and ways of living more harmoniously on this planet and with each other.

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