To share a story

The time that I find myself a- slipping into the desperate clutch of madness; that is the time I know I need to write, to let out all emotion’s waves, channel them;   Chasing them all into the day, for all to read the profanity of insanity’s whispering; the other voice inside my mind, itContinueContinue reading “To share a story”

Blood Leaves

Image: Road to Liguria, Italy – Herman Rhoids The dark forest stretched ahead. Trees wrestled with each other in their search for the sun, yearning to be gilded by light. But their growth is warped, bodies twisted, locked together in a vicious embrace. She thrust apart the branches, struggled between sentient trunks. Twigs recoiled, and thornsContinueContinue reading “Blood Leaves”


One word, one whisper A feeling sparked A burning hiss Bitter anger, breaking fear Harsh intruder takes over   Ripples spread, waves rise Flooding fast As an incoming tide Painful regret, ghostly echo Lonely call of your demise   Heart trapped, foreign angst Gentle but firm As seduction’s trance Uncanny delight, enchanting pain Rational mindContinueContinue reading “Irrationality”